Title: Sin City
Genre: Action/Thriller/Drama
Narrative: The film explores the dark and miserable town of Basin City, and follows the story of three different people all caught up in violent corruption.
Analysing one frame:
The still image above is the one I decided to use from the film 'Sin City'. I chose this one in particular because I feel that I can easily talk about the camera angles and the way it is edited to create effect. In this frozen image, you can see the character dressed in a black suit who is known as the 'salesman'. You can also see the back view of a woman who is wearing a red dress. The camera angle in this shot is a shoulder shot, giving us the view of the woman. This allows us to see her perspective and gives us an indication of how close the 'salesman' is standing to her. This freeze frame is in black and white, as is the whole duration of the movie giving it the 'film noir' type of feel. However, it is edited in a way so that the red dress of the woman stands out and we can still see the colour. This is another technique from a 'film noir' genre to give her the 'glamorous' look as she is the femme fatal in this film. The way that the man is shown in this still image has been edited very specifically; he doesn't completely blend in with the background, however there is a shadow covering half of his face which almost hides him a little bit, or makes him appear to us as being mysterious, or too good to be true. The focus of the shot however is completely on him, so he does stand out to us and our focus is completely on him. Looking at this shot, I think that there is definitely more camera's around this to give us different angles on the scene. I think there will definitely be one to the side of them both so that we can see how close they are standing together, and to almost create a sense of romance considering the woman is the femme fatal. I also think there will be one behind the man to show where they are and what is behind them. Having watched this clip I know that they are standing on a roof top, and the angle behind them shows us the location of the film and how high up they are, not to mention the fact that they are standing close to the edge. This would create a sense of danger.
succinct, clear and good use of media language to illustrate your understanding